Positioning Organizations to Maximize Productivity, Master Collaboration and Teamwork, and Retain High Achievers
Why Presence?
Presence allows you to:
Extract and value more in your life
Experience greater life fulfillment for yourself and everyone you encounter
Stay connected to your true identity - the person you truly want to be but does not always show up.
As high achievers, our identity as individuals often gets lost in the shuffle of responsibilities and demands. You may sometimes feel consumed and like you're drowning in work, pulled in many directions and on autopilot, and have lost your sense of self. We all know this comes with a cost to people and important relationships, happiness, joy, and health.
You don't have to lose yourself in the process of being great!
High achievers spend a lot of time processing situations from the past and planning for the future. We often do so to the extent that we miss the depth and totality of what is happening right now. Instead, we reflect on it later, after the moment to enjoy and experience it has passed. We know that we do our best work when we're present but are not able to consistently use the skills.
I want to teach you and your team the tools, strategies, and tricks for showing up more consistently as yourself while still getting the work done. Being present is mentally, emotionally, and physically freeing and helps you enjoy work and life every single day.
Make a conscious decision to be present and stay present. Let's work together to learn and experience The POWER in Presence.
Dr. Leatrice R. Brooks, LP
Executive coach, speaker, licensed psychologist, and successful entrepreneur and businesswoman, Dr. Leatrice (LEE-uh-tris) has been told she has a unique way of “holding people’s feet to the fire” to inspire growth. She consistently receives the feedback “you are in my life” without having prior knowledge of the individual as she uses her skills to get in-depth quickly with her audiences to help them attain and retain their desired change.

Dr. Leatrice is ready to connect with you in several ways to help you towards your desired goals. Through keynotes, programs, and executive coaching, she is ready to be present with you so you can be more present with life.